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Death Literacy and contemplation

Good evening! I can scarce believe it has been so long since our last post. It has been a tumultuous few weeks for our family but I want to share with you some of the good stuff. You would have seen last week a whole bunch of Facebook posts (for those of you who follow our page) showing you some of the goings on at the 2018 Compassionate Communities Death Literacy Conference in Sydney. I was lucky enough to attend both days of the conference and the launch of their most recent research. What is abundantly clear is that the majority of us have had death experiences… we have experienced the death of someone close, we have sat at their bedside, held caring roles and provided emotional support… we feel

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A Bush Burial

Hello! It’s been a few weeks since our last blog, and there has been a lot happening. One of the very exciting things recently is that we were contacted by a man who is doing his end of life planning and he wants us to orchestrate his burial! He has very kindly given us permission to share a few pics of his burial site. See, he has already dug the hole! He obtained permission for this burial on private land many years ago – over a decade. Now that’s planning! In addition he has made his own coffin, spoken to his family about his wishes…. he is preparing for the inevitable. He took us to the burial spot, the hole was dug years ago. Not all holes dug

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A re-write!

Its Good Friday… which for some is a day off work. For others it is the Holiest of Holy days… either way I hope you are spending it with family, friends or complete strangers that make you smile. The last blog post I wrote, I shared with you a story.. this was the story I took with me to the course I completed, becoming an End of Life Doula. It’s an exciting addition to our services and over the next few months you’ll hear more about Doulas from You n’ Taboo. For now, as promised, the following is a re-write of the story I shared. I have left the story as it was written but I have edited it, taking out the parts that don’t fit and writing

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A story of mine

Good evening! I have just returned from a week in Melbourne. While I was there I completed both the one day and three day ‘Preparing the Way’ End of Life Doula training courses run by Helen Callanan. What does that mean? It means I am one step closer to offering my services to people not only after death by way of Family Led Funerals but also as they approach their end of life. There are many services a Doula can offer but generally, a Doula offers information, support and resources to people approaching their end of life and their families. Imagine engaging with someone who could help you navigate the end of life and that person being there for you as a support through the dying, death, funeral and

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The Next Event..

You n’ Taboo are proud to present….. SHROUDED IN MYSTERY What is a shroud?          Why would you use one?            How does it work?             Have you ever wanted to make one? Join us for a 2 part workshop all about Shrouds, in theory and practice. Take the opportunity to start creating a shroud of your own. In the first workshop, learn about Shrouds & explore why they are used. With the help of some talented people, start thinking about how you would like to create and decorate a Shroud for yourself. Through conversations, we will explore the following- Shrouds : what they are, what they can be and what you can make them Natural Burial, Family Led Funerals, Shrouded burial and cremation  The second workshop will

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A thank you..

It felt good to lay in bed this morning after such a big day yesterday… but it was with a twinge of guilt that we had decided to do the Wellness Expo yesterday in place of our monthly meeting and not in addition to it. So the first thank you goes to all of our supporters who were happy for us to have a day off! We had an incredible response yesterday. We were busy the whole day and there were people actually waiting to talk to us, to ask questions and have discussions and share with us their stories and experiences. Tasmania is full of incredible people, those willing to have a go, those who are inquisitive and open minded, those who want to learn, those who

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The Wellness Expo

Greetings! A year ago Edwin and I kicked off our idea of taking the conversation around death and dying into the public arena by procuring a stall at the annual Wellness Expo in Hobart. It has been quite a success and we have connected with so many people, keen to learn more about what is possible and support us in our goals. This year, we will be there again. 2018 Wellness Expo Saturday, 3 March 2018 – 10:00am to 4:00pm Location Princes Wharf 1, Castray Esplanade Hobart TAS 7000 Australia Come and see us, have a chat about all things death and dying and if your game, take a rest in our coffin. For more information about the Wellness Expo and who else will be there, take a look at –

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The Birth of Somthing New

This is just a quick mid week shout out to you all, i’m sure by now you’d be well aware that we helped the West Moonah Coffin Club with it’s official launch on Sunday. It was a wonderful turn out, everyone there has a good time and found it all interesting and informative. The feedback was so positive and all of the speakers were well received. Simon gave a wonderful tour of the West Moonah Mens Shed where the Club will be based and the Club will be ongoing – weekly – we hope you will all get behind it and support this venture. Let us know if you’d like details of where to find more information. Here’s a few pictures from the weekend. Thank you to Simon

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When a child dies.

I have read a lot this week about what happens when a child dies, so this week I am sharing with you my musings. As a Funeral Director, I was called upon at times to hold lifeless children in my hands, not all babies.. some a few months, a few years.. some nearing adulthood. I sat with many parents who were faced with immeasurable loss. Some who sought to understand and wanted as much information as i could provide. Some who just wanted me to see their child, really see them, thereby confirming to the parents they really did have a child in the first place. Some parents wanted my help in dressing their children, some wanted it done for them. Some wanted foot prints and finger prints

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‘Coco’ and the alternative lesson it offers us.

A little while ago we shared a trailer to a kid’s movie, called ‘Coco’. Anything that deals with death in a positive way for children must be a good thing… right? Well, in this case it was very right. On New Years Days my family and I went to see ‘Coco’. Dedicated as we were, we arrived at the movie theatre in Hobart at 9.10am and we were the only ones there. I’m not sure about you, but going to see a movie in an empty theatre does not provide me with complete confidence that this movie is worth the money paid to watch it! By the time we left, I was feeling quite glad to have had our own private viewing. ‘Coco’ is the story of a

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