Shrouds and Natural Burials

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Good morning!

We are on the countdown for Christmas and I wanted to share with you what has been happening in the last few weeks.

Many of the Doulas and people working in this alternate space got together for dinner a few weeks ago to share ideas, developments and talk about future prospects. There are some very exciting things happening, some of which I will share with you into the new year.

I had a date at Government house to receive my Churchill Fellowship award and then dashed off to Deloraine to join Ediwn and Mea on her Peace Pod stall and talk death with the good people of Tasmania and beyond. My planning for Churchill is in full swing. I am making the final arrangements of meeting with people and thankfully have a few months to research travel options before I do those final bookings!

We held a workshop on shrouds and natural burials which was well received and so much of the day was simply taken up with people having the most beautiful honest conversations about death, body disposal, choices and options. I think we all learned from each other something special and new and our heartfelt thanks go to all of those people who attended, supported and helped us make the day what it was. The day consisted of seeing a new concept in shroud design, understanding where they came from as a practice, talking about home funerals and I shared some photos of when my great aunt dies and we took her home for a few days… We learned to wrap and move a body, we communed over lunch and shared our own unique and beautiful experiences. We have had a request to run it again, maybe up north and another down south and so I am thinking it won’t be the last time we do it. I’d be grateful for any of you thinking about it to register your interest and we will look at a little bit of planning into the new year.

AND….  You may have caught a short 5 min clip on it they played Monday arvo on the drive program (my chat with Joel from ABC starts here at about 17min 30sec in.…/hoba…/programs/drive/drive/10556854).

The longer version was played this morning –

I have included some photos of all of these things below, the award ceremony, Deloraine Craft Fair, Shroud workshop etc…

Blessings people!

Oh, and Let me know what you think of the interview 🙂


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